Parent Classes Overview

Becoming a parent is one of the greatest changes in a person’s life. We want to give our baby our best! It can be a little surprising to feel so unprepared. At RIE®, we help parents focus on what is essential and give their baby the best possible start. This is what the Educaring® Approach is all about. At RIE, parents learn about and practice the Educaring Approach. They practice being unhurried, sensitive to their babies’ needs, and confident in their ability to provide their baby with natural opportunities for growth. They observe and learn to listen for guidance from within themselves and from their baby. They do less, allowing their baby to learn. Most importantly, they enjoy their babies. They relax. They invest in this time knowing “I will do this now and later reap the benefits.” Parents tell us the Educaring Approach helps them feel more confident, calm, and centered.

Classes for Parents

Learning from RIE Associates online or seeing the approach modeled in a RIE Certified class helps parents make the approach their own. We offer live classes at RIE Centers in Los Angeles, Pasadena, and in locations around the world through our network of RIE Associates. We also offer online classes in a variety of time zones to meet people where they are.

Intro to Educaring
For current and expecting parents, and caregivers

A 3-hour introductory overview of the Educaring Approach. A licensed RIE Associate will review how the Educaring Approach seeks to help parents and professionals build stable, secure, healthy relationships with infants and toddlers, encouraging the children’s natural abilities from the very start.


Parenting Moments

Parents who have learned about RIE share “aha” moments, little stories of everyday epiphanies where it all made sense.