05 – Approach

Research shows infancy is a crucial time of life when basic patterns of coping, living, and learning are set. Caring for babies is a vital and challenging vocation — for parents and professional caregivers alike. RIE is a resource for people doing this job — helping them raise our next generation to feel secure, caring, and confident.


The RIE Principles are the starting point for establishing a healthy and supportive relationship with our baby from the beginning. They are a framework to help us see each baby as a unique individual with needs and competencies that change as they grow. The principles allow us to recognize and respond with sensitivity. They also help us understand the adult role in caregiving in a new way, as a balance between our unique role to nurture and our trust in nature’s plan for baby’s development.

RIE Principles

The RIE Principles are the starting point for establishing a healthy and supportive relationship with our baby from the beginning. They are a framework to help us see each baby as a unique individual with needs and competencies that change as they grow. The principles allow us to recognize and respond with sensitivity. They also help us understand the adult role in caregiving in a new way, as a balance between our unique role to nurture and our trust in nature’s plan for baby’s development.

RIE Practices

The RIE approach is accessible to everyone via our simple practices. They make our principles come alive and create the inner quiet to discover your own wisdom and that of your child. We invite you to try one and see if it helps you better understand, appreciate, or connect with your baby.


RIE is an approach to caring for babies from birth to two years old. Based in developmental science, education, and humanism, we have much in common with other educational philosophies, human rights, and social movements.

Impact by the Numbers

Though our work with parents, caregiving professionals, and childcare centers, we’re changing the world, one diaper at a time. A secure, self-confident adult is our outcome, and a more peaceful society our goal. It’s slow work, but we keep at it, dedicated to this task for over 40 years and counting.

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0 Babies

treated with respect this year

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0 + Diaper changes

during the first three years in smaller text below it

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0 RIE Associates

around the world

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0 days

Time it takes a newborn’s brain to double in size

Our Latest Educaring Articles

The Educaring newsletter has gone online! We’re saving trees and sharing insights from our founder Magda Gerber, RIE Associates, parents in our classes, students studying RIE, and maybe you! Peruse your favorite topics. Find practical advice, an understanding ear, and personal stories to help your infant or toddler grow. Read on to grow on…

The Science and Theory Behind RIE

RIE’s Educaring approach is a common-sense application of the most important knowledge and theories of human development, psychology, education, human relations, and neuroscience. While we seek to develop each caregiver’s intuition and skills, our approach is based in science. The big thinkers and thoughts behind the RIE approach are listed here.